The longest day at work today which will be swiftly followed by an even longer day tomorrow. But it is all going to be fine once I suck it up and get through the next two weeks. I've just got a shiton of research to do at work which is a lot of being on the phone, which is awesome and fun. But also shit and tiring. I need to sort out my visa for Amsterdam which is another fucking ballache. ANYWAY. Tomorrows problem isn't it.
Today I weighed in at 66.0 - so that's 0.3kg down from yesterday. Not as much as I expected or wanted. Today I have had 750 cals, which is more than I wanted but within my range of 500 - 800 so it';s okay. I had a soy latte (146), ryvita minis (113) - this was purely ornamental, because they look at me funny at work if all I have is a coke zero - hummus with carrots (180) and two vegan sausages (about 230ish) - so even though the maths on this is terrible, OH and almond milk hot choc (60) - I'm hoping that tomorrow I will be at 55.5. That would be my goal for the week lost.
Unfortunately for me, I have a fireworks, Christmas, gluvine thing happening tomorrow night with some family friends. I think I can get away with not eating like a pig, because I can just say that I had a whole thing at work before I came and maybe just sip some gluvine, however - the plan is that I am still going to have to have a bit of gluvine. Essentially, I am expecting to not lose anything between tomorrow and Thursday, which means I'm going to have to be SUPER well behaved on the weekend. Yay. No. Anyway, hope this goes well.
Post stats? ... or don't that's cool. You can save it for the Sunday weigh in. :)
Love & Loss
Xo Xo
I'm so behind on this challenge thing, but I will be starting tomorrow if you want to check my blog out!
i was trying to figure out how to read ballache. i thought that was a fancy weird. like balleche or somethiing like that before i realised oh wait. ball ache.
good luck with the Visa crap. glad i don't have to do any of that shit. :D
omg vegan sausages <3. i can't with the normal ones. it looks like a heart attack waiting to happen with those! or bacon for that matter. it looks like a bubbling vat of fat. with that being said i'm okay with McDonalds and other fast food joints so i have no idea where the NO BACON NO SAUSAGES come from. blah.
you probably had a typing error and meant 65.5 because it's written 55.5 and i want to be like 'honey, you can't lose 10.5 kilos overnight.
bad Sam.
i got fatter because i had a higher calorie day yesterday so i am at 63.7 which is either a 100g or 500 gain from last time. depending on whether you're using 63.6 or 63.2.
i make life hard i know bad Sam
-Sam Lupin
Both ballache and balleche have officialy joined my vocabulary. I can't weigh myself until friday, but I'm behaving because you guys make me totally ubermotivated :)
Mmm gluvine is a yummy bitch, I'll be definitely spending some time with it around christmas :)
Have a great time at the Christmas Party! It sounds like fun. As for stats, I am going to wait for Sunday. I am still under the delusion that I will lose weight by then...
I worked really hard today to burn cals... burned (650) more than half of what I ate (1220) and am at net 570. I'll post stats tomorrow. I've had to start eating more, thanks therapist. I don't want to be told I can't go to Italy next semester. :/ Trying to stabilize around 115 for now.
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