Monday, March 31, 2014

Guess Who's Back With A Brand New Act?


I'm back from Cape Town - wow. What a trip? I have totally realised why I don't live there anymore... Amazing. It is in fact a miracle that I made it out of that place... I can't tell you how pleased I am that I decided to move here and get the FUCK out of that city. It's so claustrophobic... pretentious and overall just really lame. 

I am also really fat. 65kg worth of fat - I did nothing in Cape Town other than eat, drink and smoke cheddar. Anyway, I also saw Roy - sniveling pathetic shell of a man. I don't know what happened to the man that I love... but he's not there anymore. I saw Waldo - or Lilypad, as you know him. I'm over the whole code name vibe. Anyway, so I saw them both... Do I miss them? OH HELL no. 

I'm looking for a place to live too, which is daunting. Anyway, so like. That's it in a nutshell. I'll write more tomorrow, I'm quite tired. OH and they lost my luggage, so I'm waiting for it to be delivered to me.

I hate being this fat, my clothes are feeling tighter again... I've had about... 900 cals today which consisted of sushi for lunch (about 750) and soup for dinner (140) - yay me. Let's hope tomorrow is better.


Love & Loving
Xo Xo 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've put on a bunch of weight here in Italy. One reason I'm excited to go home is that I'll have consistent access to a gym. Looking forward to your next update!