Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Work, Work, Work

All I have been doing at the moment is working. I work my regular 9 - 5 and then after that, I come home and carry on working on Dirty Girl. At the moment, things are moving forward, but they are moving forward slowly. I'm trying to figure out how to drive traffic to the website which is essential for being able to monetise later down the road. 

Anyway, check it out or like the facebook page if you want to help a sister out.

In other news, Chris and I spent the weekend fighting again. He is still not back in London, but somehow we are still together. He'll be back in March and then he's going away again for six months. Long distance is very challenging, but at the moment I am very focused on DGM, my visa and my yoga practice, so the distance is alright. 

I also at the moment have a bit of a weird relationship with sex, so the fact that I get the emotional comfort of him without being pressured into having sex with him works for me for the moment. 

I've been doing yoga consistently now for just over three months and I still feel strong about it. I feel a bit unmotivated about it this week, but since I've committed to a 12 month contract at this studio, I have to persevere. I do feel a lot better about my body as I'm getting stronger. I don't feel thin though. I am 64.5kg. And I need to get to below 62 and stay there. I feel proud on the one hand that I've more or less maintained this weight for about a year now. But it needs to be maintained at a lower weight. In a small way, I feel very focused and productive about DGM, and yoga, and that's been helpful for being focused on a healthy diet. I'm trying not to restrict too much, but even still it's been about 1000 calories a day. 

It's all alright. 

I'm good. I hope y'all are. 

Peace & Love
Xo Xo

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