My detox is still going. I'm on day 5 now, almost finished as I'll be going to bed soon. Yesterday, I had a good intake with just some fruit and coffee. Today has been a really high calorie intake of nuts, fruit and some chicken. But on the plus side, I still haven't cheated on the detox. So I'm not 5 days in and I haven't had chocolate or chips... or any regular binge food (like pasta, potatoes and pastries). As of Monday, my days are going to be detox specific and calorie limited to 800 calories per day. And the week after that I'm going to drop them a bit more. I'm hoping because most of the diet is fresh fruits and vegetables that even if I eat a lot of it, it won't turn into fat. I do feel kinda healthy I suppose. At the moment, I am just trying to stick to the detox. I am getting thinner according to the scale. I promise to share the number with you guys when I'm ready. But right now, I really just can't deal with the numbers even though I know you guys won't judge. I just can't actually let it be known how much of a failure I am. It's so awful. But I console myself by knowing that I am at least doing something about it. Just got to stick to the detox. (Although, even though I'm detoxing from carbs and salt, I'm still getting loads of caffeine, but only from coffee and tea, not energy drinks and zero cal soda - which allegedly is part of the detox- you know getting rid of chemicals and crap - HELLO COFFEE).
Peace & Love
Xo Xo
Wow you're doing really great, don't think about the scale too much, once it starts to go down it will make you feel so much better, and with the way you've been eating it should be going down pretty well. You're back on track and that's the most important thing...So happy for you...
Books are good. I've been reading more, just finished Wasted and almost done with Perfect by Ellen Hopkins. I'm writing more of Stellar, sort of a short story/modern fairy tale thing. Any other good books, please, recommend some. Good luck with your detox. Yeah, zero cal soda is bad, even though I love Coke Zero, i like my insides better (read somewhere aspartame causes cancer or some bad shit).
Good work with the book seriously, I'm also working two at the moment but not that intensively. You're doing amazing with yours and I'm sure it will be out in no time. And you know I've heard that most writers write their first book almost five years.
And CokeZero <3
Sometimes when I read your posts, I feel like I'm reading something that I would have written if I was in your same environment with the same people, places events, etc. It's uncanny sometimes the similarities in our brainwaves. I'm currently working on a novel as well :) Right now, I'm doing a cycle of a few days of fasting then a few days of all pure fruit/veg then more fasting before starting a new meal plan free of artificial crap. Good luck with everything that's going on :) I know you'll be brilliant! <3 Sunshine
omg i love you and your blog! now that i'm finally back on blogger, let's be friends ya? and about the nuts: i've read that they might actually contribute less calories than what's on nutrition labels (like 120 instead of 170 for 1/4 cup) because of what the body can't digest/uses up. happy thoughts!
IM ASKING PEOPLE TO EDIT MY STUFF TOO im just like 'so how is this? and this? and this? is it flawless like i want?'
okay babe <3
we are SURE you're nowhere near whale standards - we assure you <3 i hope you feel better then, love!
-Sam Lupin
I hate that nuts are so high in calories! I find, though, that when I eat them my over all calorie intake is much lower:-)
I'm glad to hear that your detox is going well still. Nuts are horrible in calories, but they are so good for you. And I am so excited to read what you have to write. I give you props for just writing something out. Keep going strong my dear.
Just wanted to say congrats on sticking with your detox! I'm starting a 3 day one on the first. Really need to clean my shit up :P Anyways, keep it up. I look forward to continually reading your progress!
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