Thursday, September 20, 2012

Religious Funde-Fucking-Mentalists.

Being a creature of politics myself, I have taken quite an interest in the upcoming US general elections and obviously being the literal valued economist that I also am, Obama is an obvious choice. But there is this fucking asshat on my facebook who fucking will take any fucking opportunity to cause a debate about Obama (and religion), it just so happens that this guy is facebook. Now, I am not one to shy away from a debate, but you know the feeling when you are debating with a complete nimwit, times that by fifteen and this is the level of retard we are dealing with. He doesn't believe in gay marriage, or gay "marriage" as he calls it and he believes abortion is murder. And as a result of Obama rightly believing these things should be legalised, apparently this makes Obama a tyrant. Now. Firstly, if you don't believe in gay marriage, I love you all dearly, but get the fuck off my blog. You can't help it who you are and who you love. I mean seriously. Anyway, but the abortion thing. Firstly, it is obvious that abortion is killing something, I mean you are ending life in the same way it would be if you pulled a plant out of the earth, you're killing it. Obvious, but because this has gone through processes of legalisation it is not murder. And no matter what you personal feelings are on it, it is not murder. Now, I'm not sure if I would have an abortion if I fell pregnant, but I appreciate the fact that politicians are hard at work to protect my rights to have a choice in when I decide to have a family and how. As a legal scholar I support abortion, personally, I'm not sure whether i'd go through with it, but god be damned some of the people I know that have had abortions - thank fuck it is legal, because those people as parents... We dO NOT need more fucked up people in the world. You know. Raise your kids right. ANYWAY, so now that I have laid this down. I respect peoples opinions on the matter, but don't take away the choice of women when their right to have that choice does not affect yours. As in, if you don't agree with it, don't do it. But anyway, this guy. Oh he grates my cheese something awful. And he will base his argument on semantics of the grammar that I am using instead of actually making any valid points. OMF. Sorry, I needed to rant. And the worst part of it all. THE ABSOLUTE KICKER is that I can't tell him what an ignorant stupid fuck he is, because he is engaged to one of my good friends... which means I can't delete him either. And he lives in England, so its not like i can delete and forget. WHAT a nobface. 

Anyway, so went to my friends house and had a couple pistachio nuts and quite literally like two sips of wine. So my total for the day is under 500. This included oatmeal for brekky, a salad for lunch, coffee and then the wine and nuts. Lol. Nuts. I feel like I could go to sleep and pass out for a year, but I actually do have stuff to do. But fuck it. I'm going to sleep. Well watch the Colbert report and K.O. Good night lovely petals. 

I just realised a little irony in my rant. I'm ranting about him being intolerant, but I'm intolerant of people that don't support gay marriage. Whatever. I can handle varying opinions on the death penalty, abortions, economic policies, but not the gays. Because darling. Its equivalent to racism as far as I'm concerned. I.e. discriminating against people on the basis of something fundemental to who they are. People cannot change their skin colour anymore than they can change their sexual orientation. So homophobes out there. You know who you are. 

Love & Peace
Xo Xo


Clear Girl said...

Yes. Omg yes to all of it. I could not be more excited to vote in this election! Also, I'm often really ashamed of being american, maybe it's because ive been raised in a verrrry liberal environment so it's like a culture shock in my own country, BUT GODDAMN ARE AMERICANS DUMB SOMETIMES.

Unknown said...

I feel like I haven't commented in forever, /waves, Hi c:
and lET ME HUG YOU because this sort of sums up my soul. My mother the other day said "I kind of think Romney is the right choice..." and I wanted to sCREAM and pull out my hair. Nope. I will be intolerant towards these types of people.
I definitely agree :)

LyssaB said...

With my ED, pregnancy would freak me out too much so I think abortion should remain an option for those who honestly don't think they can go through it for whatever reason. And yeah homophobia sucks. Good thing Romney's been sliding in the poll. Hope you get to to stuff you have to do eventually without feeling too tired.

Sheila said...

Oh my god that facebook guy sounds so annoying. It is sooo weird that all these topics are discussed over and over again in america.I mean for example the abortion thing? only superduper catholic people really care about that over here- turns out most people aren't religious at all. I know we have a really questionable political past ( by we i mean germany) but it seems like we are one of the few countries where ultraconservative politicians don't have a chance (probably even because of this past).

Ayden said...

Miss Piggy, I think we should be best friends lol. I agree with every point you brought up in this post!!
I can handle a political/religious debate on facebook unless the other person is just plain WRONG.
I'm not good at walking away from conflict lol. And the only reason that anyone decides to comment on grammar is because they've already thought through all of their opinions, and realize that your rebuttal would squish them like bugggggs.
And when it comes to gay marriage, The only reason that it's even up for debate is a religious one. And what ever happened to separation of church and state??? It got squashed like your friend's fiance's point lol
GREAT number!! I wish I had that self control lol, it wouldve made my life a lot easier a lot sooner lol.
Take Care!

Atty said...

Stated like a boss

WinterA said...

I am about to go in to work but Amen sister. Amen. I believe everyone should have equal rights. The guy he is running against is an idiot no offense. Half of the time he doesn't make sense to me.

Yeah I have to take my husband to the dmv to get his voters card. He doesn't want to vote but I am making him.

Emily Anonymous said...

Completely agreed about the gay rights thing. Tell him off!