Wednesday, November 23, 2016

My Absence

So what's been happening: 

1. Trump is still president. 

2. I've been not doing great at nutritionwise, which is why I haven't been posting. It's not fatal, I've been hovering in the 64s, but it's a binge-starve cycle. Not bad binges mind you. Mostly it goes binges on Saturday to Monday (including) and then trying to get my shit together for the remainder of the week, which I just about do. And then fuck it all up the next weekend. This weekend, I am keeping myself free with no plans and the plan is to spend the weekend going to yoga and practising skinny. 

3. Then, I've been really trying to get into yoga - this is really difficult on Monday and Tuesday for the reasons described above - I.e. That I am fat and bloaty (and gassy) and then going to bend myself around in a class of skinny people isn't exactly what I feel like doing. Anyway, I'm going to yoga tonight and managed to not eat everything, so today will be a good adult day. I plan to hold onto my spoons fiercely. The other reason, is that I just suck on Monday and Tuesday. I hate these days. And I never do anything. So yeah, that's also it. 

4. Things with the Chris are going great. It's been over two months since we started chatting, month and a half since our first date. Mind you, I never see him cuz he's always away. But there isn't much more to say about this. I'm trying to not be my regular overreacting, dramatic, hysterical self here. So I have to talk myself down a lot, but I'm committed to making things work here. Cuz I like him. 

5. I Can Change is still something I'm working on. I'm planning on working this into my weekend of nothing. Launching the social page. 

6. Work is work and it's going great, but still just, yeah. Work. 

I've not been keeping up with blogs, which I plan to do now. What have I missed? 

Peace & Love 
Xo Xo 

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