Sunday, January 24, 2016

Picking Myself Up & Dusting Myself Off

So it's been almost a week since Colbey and I ended it. I still don't want to talk about it, maybe one day I will. 

Anyway, so last week, my friend Robin came to stay with me and she left today. I have to say, I am disappointed with her - she is an insufferable snob. And now, I know she doesn't care and I really don't care, but I feel like she spares no opportunity to try and establish that she is somehow better than me. She will say she dislikes where I like to hang out, where I live, says my job is not a real profession like hers is, she said this morning when I was telling her about how I want to buy a DvF handbag that it's totally normal to spend £200 on a handbag and that it's also okay to have a "cheapie". I'm not even angry about it really, I'm just disappointed. I don't know why she has to be judgmental about me and my life. If she cares about me as much as she says she does, I don't really understand why she feels the need to make me feel small. 

Which sort of brings me to another point - why am I the trash can for all of my friends to dump their shit on?? I'm literally a doormat for everyone. NO MORE! I am not going to be a doormat, emotional or otherwise. 

With Colbey now finished, I gave myself Tuesday to mope about it and then on Wednesday, I picked myself up, dusted myself off and decided to start working on my new years resolutions. I have joined the gym and have gotten back onto Kayla Itsines loosely. I am not going to go at it hammer and tongs, but I am going to try and commit to going to gym three times a week. I will have an amazing body. And I want to be fit and strong. 

Which kinda then brings me to my diet - I haven't quite got it totally right this week, but today at least I have had about 1200 calories and burnt 500 at the gym at least (not sure what weight training means to cal burn). 

Anyway, 2016 will still be the year of Piggy. Thank you for the kind words re: Colbey. 

I am calm, I am resilient, I can handle this. 

Peace & Love 
Xo Xo

1 comment:

Ruby Tuesday said...

You can of course handle it Piggy
You are a tough cookie
And it takes more than one guy to bring you down
I love that you are fighting back
That's the Piggy I know

Thinking of you
And sending you a huge hug
Straight from my heart to yours x