Monday, August 4, 2014

Boob Scans, Boyfriends, Besties & FAT FAT FAT

Just the quickest of quick blogs. I'm exhausted. This weekend was full of partying and fun. It was, in summary - absolutely amazing. And I looked reasonably skinny doing it. I was down to 63.1kg on Saturday - but it was post hangover, which means that it was dehydrated hangover weight and then on Saturday, being good with food and no boozing, back up to 64.1kg. A more fair assessment I think. BUT THEN YESTERDAY. We went to the park and ate, ate, ATE. My sister and her husband were here and I literally could die of guilt and empathy for them. They are having such a hard time of moving to London. Her husband is commuting for 6 hours a day (yes, that's right. One more than 5 and one less than 7). I have invited them both to stay here for the weekend and to actually come stay here permanently with me until they find a place of their own. I just want them to not get broken with how shit and difficult it is to move to another country, on top of which. London. It's a hard place to get settled. 

ANYWAY, that aside. Today, I went to the hospital to the Breast Cancer Clinic to have a scan of my breasts (remember, I had a lump). As it turns out, I've got four lumps that aren't actually lumps and just a result of the fact that I don't have a lot of fat on my breasts relative to the amount of glandular tissue - so basically, I am cursed with lumpy breasts, but THEN. I've basically had my period for two weeks and three days - not normal, very annoying and potentially indicative of a bigger problem. So I've got another round of doctors appts starting on Wednesday. It. Fucking. Sucks. 

So then lastly the important bit - today I've been okay - while at the hospital I cracked and had a bag of crisps and a coke light (263), at work I had three coffees with three sugars (one each, 130), two nectarines when I got home (100?) and actual real, honest-to-god mussels (260). Yes people, I ate seafood today. The breast doctor told me that I need to bulk up my iron content because I'm bleeding like a mother fucker today and short of eating high cal massive cups of lentils, I decided on mussels (low in cals, high in iron). It was weird, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. ANYWAY - so total for the day is somewhere around 850. I can live with that. I'm really hoping that despite my binge yesterday, I am sub-65. WISH ME LUCK!? I need to be in the 63's by the weekend. Please, oh please. 

Peace & Love
Xo Xo

1 comment:

xXTokyoVanityXx said...

You know I had two months were my periods were just shitty, a week off and week on etc. So I got the implant. Probably should have gotten that shit checked out. Logic. Hopefully your ovaries are just being shitty for no harmful reason =] xx