Sunday, January 22, 2012

I just wish it would get better...

I know, two posts in one day. Whatevs. I managed to not do too badly today. I had pasta (around 400 cals) and some hummus and cucumber. So I think I had around 600 today. Not too bad. I mean it could have been a fast. Anyway. So here's to hoping for a loss tomorrow. I want to be 55 by the end of February. I miss my ex so much. It has taken all my willpower to not text him today. Jesus. But I will get over him. I think the first two weeks are going to be bad and then after that it will be okay. So I think if I prepare myself for it being super shitty for the next two weeks, I'll be okay - you know. And I am also making a resolution to not have sex with anyone unless I'm dating them. No more one night stands! I told my housemate about my ED and I feel like every time I eat or he knows that I am eating he is going 'I thought you have an eating disorder but you're stuffing your face you fat little piggy' - god now telling people about it is causing more anxiety. Fuck my life. Have any of you seen a show called Archer? It is blowing my mind from amazingness. Love & Archer Xo Xo

1 comment:

Sara Schomburg said...

I'm sure he's not thinking that. :)
I'm sorry you're having a tough time getting over your ex, but you're strong. You've got this.:)