Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fucking Blessing

Well, it's been such a long time since I had a proper rant, but here the fuck goes. You know that fucking religious tourists who aren't actually religious, but somehow it's become this thing where you find god later in your life and all of fucking sudden, every-fucking-thing becomes a blessing. I'm so blessed. You're so fucking blessed, what the fuck are you talking about. Now, let's think about this, when do people say this? I'm so blessed with my awesome husband and my awesome kids. Guess what fucktard - if you hadn't married the sunavbitch and had sex, you wouldn't have a husband and kids. If you were a shit spouse or a shitter parent, you wouldn't have it either. You're not blessed with a good job and nice things. You're not fucking blessed with happiness either. I mean, obviously there are people that are lucky enough to be born into a family with loads of money or who find their soulmate early in life - but let's be fucking realistic shall we!? You weren't blessed with these things, you worked hard for those things. Nothing in fucking life is easy. This much I do know after my almost 26 years on this godforsaken lump of rock. Everything I have, I've worked for. And I'm not a unique fucking snowflake. This is how shit works, if you work hard, you're going to get the reward. Sometimes it's harder than others, but for the most part - the reason why we appreciate and believe *airquote* we are blessed *airquote* is because the hard times in life make the good times that much easier to appreciate. It's not like some mystical magician in the sky waved his wand and gave you all the good fortune in the world so you never had to work a day in your fucking life. It's not fucking voodoo, it's probability. I mean, how can you work your ass off for something and then say, ehrmergerd, thank GOD that I believed enough in a mystical superior force in the universe that rained these awesome blessings down on your face. It just doesn't work like that and for fuck sakes, take some credit. You're not fucking blessed. Except maybe blessed with your own awesomeness and invariably, depending on how awesome you are, you will be more *airquote* blessed *airquote*. Fucking. Dumbasses. 

ANYWAY, that aside. Today, I had about 850 cals and I weighed in at 65.3 this morning. So still way up from my binge last week. Fucking fucktard to fucking hell and fucking back. Christ. Anyway, tomorrow I know I should definitely be below 65 and hopefully back in the 64's by the end of the week. I just need to not binge. Need to be skinny, need to be skinny, need to be skinny. I know that a lot of it is just food weight, but still I need it gone NOW. I'm not bingeing this week. I was actually thinking of a challenge where we can challenge each other to not binge for a certain period of time. Cuz we all struggle with it... I'm not sure though how we'd keep up with it. But fuck it. I'm sure we can do something. 

Love & Fucking Blessings
Xo Xo


Miranda said...

I'm thinking you are not hugely religious and neither am I. Things happen because you make them happen or sometimes it's just blind fate or luck but I agree. It's not from being "blessed." I get annoyed when people say things like that to me because they assume that I believe the same things they do.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on that. "blessed" is hard work and good timing. Just like cursed is pure bad luck (what else would explain my fam's shit year) or laziness.

As for the none binge challenge, I think its a good idea. A lot of us bloggers are having issues with bingeing/high calorie intakes lately.

Always love reading your rants.

xXTokyoVanityXx said...

Never understood why people say "I thank God for getting me where I am now". I've been through some tough things, it wasn't God who swept me and made it all better. It was me. He ain't getting the credit for it!

Lena said...

Hey hun,
You know, I think that there are a lot of people out there who don't work very hard and set low standards and feel "blessed" with what they have. So maybe they feel like they have done very little but have gotten very much, whereas someone else (i.e. you or me) could look at them and think that there is no way in hell that we would settle for what they have. So maybe those people are "blessed" with low standards and limited ambition. Or maybe I'm just being cynical.
Lena xx

Sam Lupin said...

rant all you want babe
i have no idea who those fuckers are but they sound horrible so
of course i laughed my ass off as you ranted
that's up you should see my up
- Sam Lupin