Monday, July 7, 2014

Completely Fucked Up

Over the weekend... starting on Thursday in fact. I worked from home. I binged. Friday, I got my new tattoo - four and a half hours of pain - low blood sugar - I binged. Saturday I kept it together and then I got drunk = binge. Yesterday, I was hungover as fuck. Binge. (Speaking of which, if you want to see the new tattoo, check out my twitter: @FatPiggyFlowers)

Today... not great, but manageable. Dumplings with hoison sauce for lunch (200), nachos (236), tea (130) and a chickpea and avocado salad (341) = 907 for the day. Not great, but coming off four days of binging with a stretched stomach. I'm alright with it. I'm going to try and replicate this tomorrow. Minus the nachos and tea count. Basically, I have milk in my tea and then sometimes... I mean. I can't lie, I do sometimes cave and have a spoonful of sugar in my coffee... anyway. For today I will take it. I'm only going to weigh on Wednesday.

It will be okay...

I hope.

Peace & Love
Xo Xo

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