Friday, April 13, 2012

Fucking Munchies

I swear to fucking christ that mary jane will be the fucking end of me. It makes me munch like a demon. Okay so it hasn't been that bad, still managing to maintain about 1000 a day which is WAY TOO FUCKING HIGH!  Anyway, today is going okay, I am going to try fast today. BECAUSE it is 3pm and I have only had two cups of tea and am not feeling hungry AT ALL. So today fuckers, is going to be a fast day. Then I am going out with a friend in about two hours, so I won't have to eat tonight at all. Then hopefully, will not drink either. Or maybe just one glass of wine. I don't want to get too drunk and embarrassing again.

The job hunt is going shit. If any of yall know of somewhere I can work, give us a shout cookie monsters. I had an interview this morning which I am so sure I bombed like a fucking bitch. Hopefully it will pick up next week. I hope. Anyway, so I may do this freelance writing thing. Which I will be writing on the topic of law, which is awesome, because it will give me a chance to familiarise myself with the british legal cases. I do feel a bit out of my depth with the whole law thing. But hopefully this should help. :) I'm sure I can make a decent amount part time just by this writing.

Anyway. Feeling fat and bloated. I NEED to get a scale. Fucking need it. I miss my boy. This long distance thing sucks so much fucking hairy fat donkey balls. FUCK THIS SHIT MAN!

My national insurance forms arrived today so I should hopefully have that sorted out by the end of next week with my bank account. Fuck. Life seems like too much of an effort at the moment.

Love & Sleepies
Xo Xo


Anonymous said...

National Insurance. What a concept. We americans no nothing about that. A writing job sounds awesome. Good luck fighting the munchies. I battle with them every day!

Dumb Brunette said...

Ha, I'm with Miranda. National Insurance. Damn communists. (I'm just kidding, I think it would probably be good for us, but that's how a lot of Americans see it.)

For munchies...well, you could munch on vegetables? I know they aren't as tasty. Oh and I discovered popchips recently. They're potato chips, but they're baked at really high temps under high pressure so they "pop" and get all crispy without having to be fried. :)

Good luck with your writing. I'm sure you'll be awesome at it.

AstoriaC said...

Can definitely relate love. Stay strong. Munch on a few crackers if you feel hungry..they help with the cravings and make you feel full only after a few.