Monday, May 14, 2012

Blondes Ahoy

I had a really hectic weekend full of drama which I don't feel like talking about. I am so very in love with my boy again. and again. and again. I was day dreaming about him on the tube today and didn't notice when it was my stop. My hair is blonde now, I am going to take a picture a bit later or tomorrow in the light. At the moment, I am just so exhausted. I ate a lot yesterday. Today, I've been too grumpy to eat, so I've had about 200 cals. Two petits filous and three cups of coffee with honey. So tired. I went out on Saturday and felt like a huge whale. An enormous, massive ugly whale. Tomorrow is my doctors appointment, so I suspect I will be weighed tomorrow. I need to get more medication. The orders for the bands are pouring in. Girls, I'm proud of us. I will mail you all back those that have placed orders when they arrive to confirm shipping details. Time to catch up on some blogs. Lovely petals, I am so tired. I was offered that job, but I don't feel like I have the strength to either accept or reject it at this point. I'm so fucking tired. I just wish my boy was here to cuddle me and stroke my hair. He always makes me feel safe.

Love & Yawns
Xo Xo


Katie Elizabeth said...

I'm glad things are going well with your boy. And I'm sorry you're so grumpy today. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

Atty said...

Aww Piggy get some rest :(

WinterA said...

Can't wait to see the blonde hair. Sorry to hear you have been so tired. I just hope it isn't stress. Stress makes me feel so tired that I have a hard time doing anything.

Anonymous said...

You should rest up sweetie...
But I'm glad things aren't too bad for you and your man :) <3
Please take care <3